Health Articles
Health Articles Encouraging A Natural Health, Nutrition And Stress Management Approach
Would you like to feel better? Are your aches and pains getting you down? Have you ever felt like throwing up your hands as you get back word from your medical doctor that your health is worse, according to the latest tests?
Better Health, or the lack of it is of great concern to many. Sadly, many are not taught in school or by many medical Doctors that good nutrition or the lack of it and how you take care of your body daily, has a lot to do with whether you are healthy or not.
A note from Jeannie Crabtree C.Ac.:
I want to make people’s lives better and I have helped a number of people over a 40 year span. Those that payed attention to a nutritious diet and exercise fared better than those who ignored addressing those. They aged faster, had aches and pains and many were developing diseases that used to be seen only in older aged ones.
I could sympathize because…
I could sympathize with them because I was not raised with a good nutritious diet. In the early years, there was not enough food on the table most days. From about eight on, it was better, but not enough emphasis on plenty of vegetables to get all the vitamins and minerals I needed each day.
I often had leg aches and foot cramps, sore throats and ear aches and some allergies as a child and was given too many antibiotics for those sore throats.
I had two surgeries by the time I was 5 1/2 years old, one which was life saving! So my body was giving me symptoms even as a child, trying to give me the signals to do something different.
Health and Nutrition
As I got into my teens, my mom got more into health and nutrition. I learned a lot and in my 20’s began to read on nutrition subjects and take courses as well. In my early 30’s my mom and I co – owned a health food store, which carried foods and herbs in bulk, as well as vitamins and I was the manager.
In my 30’s I became a certified acupuncturist. I continued to take more courses in different modalities to assist people such as BodyTalk™ and Total Body Modification therapy.
I am also certified in Emotional Freedom Techniques and other therapies that assist you in addressing your blocks and subconscious thoughts that affect you, holding you back and causing physical and emotional problems.
More and more I saw how good Health and Nutrition go hand in hand when working with people.
Natural Health
Natural health care or Alternative health care, whichever you want to call it – have you too seen how more and more people are open to using alternative health care, even as they continue their annual check ups and use their medical doctor as needed?
The natural health approach has the ability of getting to the “cause behind the cause” of health issues because it assists the body to come back into balance. This can involve therapies such as acupuncture or acupressure or other therapies, or may take in diet changes, creating a new healthy way of eating for better health.
This care often involves the taking of nutritional supplements, herbal extracts, homeopathics, detoxification and rebuilding through addressing nutrition – both supplements and diet.
Stress Management
The Natural Health approach importantly combines stress management and the encouragement to heal emotionally as well. It is said that about 80% of visits to a medical doctor are stress related. Here are a few diseases and illnesses :
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes – stress management is needed as stress causes higher blood glucose levels
- Depression and Anxiety
- Headaches
- Digestive and Gastrointestinal problems
- It can worsen Asthma
- Obesity, especially more belly fat
- It makes you age faster
- Stress can cause premature death
Make it a health priority to address your stresses. Work it off with things like taking a walk, exercise, journaling or talking it out with someone. If you do not, it may continue to build up, creating it’s own set of health challenges. And it certainly makes it more difficult to have a good attitude.
Healthy Habits To Start
Pick one of these or more of these healthy habits and get started today:
- Address your stresses, don’t let it build up.
- Add more vegetables into your diet, especially leafy green vegetables.
- Get more active -walking and/or exercising several times a week.
- Cut back on junk food, white flour and sugar, until it is rarely in your diet and also find a healthy replacement for when you must have something.
- Get enough sleep – it is very important to health.
Drink more water – few of us drink enough water.
Did you know that you can increase good health by making sure that you get enough water?
Yes plain water that has been purified in some way. The water most of us get from the tap is full of chemicals that is bad for our health. Do not drink tap water, unless you have your own well, which you know is not contaminated.
Water is essential for a healthy body. Water regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, keeps skin youthful and muscles strong. Water is present in every cell and tissue and involved in so many biological functions digestion, absorption, circulation and excretion. It helps us with keeping our hormones balanced and our brain chemistry relies on water for proper balance. Water gives us energy and strengthens the immune system.
Good Nutrition can make a big difference in building good health, as can stress management. Be sure to check out the health articles and sign up for the newsletter, to keep up with the latest health news.